Winter is upon us. A large portion of the United States will see a good bit of snow and ice. Winter precipitation is one of the main causes of accidents. Yet, winter precipitation isn’t the only thing people must worry about.

Below, you’ll learn about tips you can use to help avoid an accident as shared by a truck accident lawyer. You’ll also learn some winterizing tips for your vehicle. This post is for educational and informational purposes. If you’ve been in an accident, schedule a consultation with a licensed and experienced lawyer in your area.

Winter Driving Tips

Both ice and snow can be extremely dangerous to drive on. As the old saying goes, “I know how to drive on snow and ice. It’s everyone else that doesn’t.” Regardless of who caused the accident, you may still be injured and your vehicle may still be damaged. It’s important to drive as safely as possible. Here are tips to help you drive safer during winter.

  • Drive defensively. It only takes one wrong move to cause an accident on snow and ice.
  • Take your time on the road. Even if you are a seasoned winter driver, take your time. Leave early from your home to make it to your destination safely.
  • Obey all traffic signs. Remember that the roads are slick so start slowing down or merge earlier at a safe speed.
  • Stay home. If you do not have to leave when there is bad weather, stay home! The best way to avoid an accident is to never even get into a car during winter weather.

Winterize Your Car

You should also take some time to winterize your car. Follow these tips to be ready for winter weather:

  • Keep blankets in the car. These can be helpful in keeping you or your passengers warm if you break down on the side of the road.
  • Make sure your tires are properly inflated. The cold weather can cause your tires to lose air. Make sure that you stop by a gas station and inflate your tires before you get on the roadway.
  • Keep and use an ice scraper. Clear off your windshield and back window before hitting the road. It is also a good idea to keep windshield fluid cleaner in your car too.
  • Keep distilled water and some dry foods in the car, such as protein bars and/or dried meat.
  • Keep a first aid kit in the vehicle. It is good to check this every year before winter to refresh it if needed and just to refamiliarize yourself with what is inside of it.
  • Keep spare clothes in the car. This should include boots, gloves, hats, even pants and shirts. Keep some extra coats or hoodies in the car as well. If your vehicle gets stuck somewhere and you are not prepared, you may be stranded in the cold.

While these tips can help, they unfortunately will not prevent all accidents. If you get into a winter weather related accident, contact a lawyer near you for help.

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